Thrive Nutrition is NOT a Diet

Thrive Nutrition Coaching is a one-year program that uses Precision Nutrition’s ProCoach in a client-centered, habit-based approach to help clients lose fat, gain strength, and improve their health.

Most people have had some success here and there with various diets. The problem with diets is that the success if rarely long lived. We restrict our food choices, limit our calories or drink a gritty concoction for a few months until we lose a few pounds or feel a little more comfortable in our jeans. Then life catches up with us or those restrictions become too invasive to maintain and we slip right back into our old lifestyle and lose any progress gained. This often leaves us feeling like a failure and can often set us back further than we started.

I understand that for there to be lasting change the change must be sustainable. This is the whole premise of the Thrive Nutrition coaching program. Make small, incremental changes that form new habits in our lifestyles. We may falter on one or two habits here or there, but all momentum won’t be lost and there is enough flexibility built in to easily pick ourselves back up, brush ourselves off and keep on with life. So, does it work? Well the video below shows just a few real life examples of the impact these new habits can have.

Knowledge is Power

Along with teaching habits, the coaching process teaches the principles behind them. Why do I reach for ice cream when I am tired? Why do I always feel stuffed after a meal? What are food sensitivities and how can the impact me? How do I manage portion sizes without measuring everything? I don’t have time for that! How does my environment influence the eating decisions I make?

These questions, and many more, are answered through the process. Some have very scientific answers that may surprise you. Others have to do with how you have trained yourself to think and respond. Understanding how your body works and how you think around food and fitness is important.

Every person is different. Individual coaching allows for us to fine tune your goals and desires, identify possible health needs and mental roadblocks. You will be working, lesson by lesson, to write your own Owners Manual around food and fitness. We will explore why you do certain things and work to construct healthy alternatives as needed. From healthy fats to how sleep influences your body’s response to food, we will explore it all and discover what works for you!

Crawl, Walk, Run

The habit based approach is progressive and helps build transferable skills while stair-stepping your way to real change.

Goals are important, but if the end goal is the only thing that matters it is easy to get discouraged and give up. Thrive Nutrition uses Precision Nutrition’s ProCoach to focus on the process and the small victories along the way. You may desire to lose weight, but learning and developing a habit that moves you in that direction is just as important. The skills and habits you learn through the process can not be take from you. You will have them in your tool box for the rest of your life; pulling them out and practicing them as you progress to those larger goals.

There is also something to be said for momentum. No one can change everything at once, and I won’t ask you to. However, by practicing and perfecting one habit at a time you will start to see progress and those small victories along the way. As you learn more, practice more, win more you will find the victories become easier and more often. You may even find yourself looking forward to what is coming next as you pick up steam on your journey. It is all done through simple, maintainable proven steps anyone can do.

Money Back Guarantee

I know the challenges around diets and trying to maintain food restrictions, strict point tallies or calorie counts over the long term. They never worked for me, and I expect they haven’t worked for you either.

Change is not easy… especially when you are fighting against years of ingrained habits. It is also not impossible. Given genuine effort and engagement I know that the principles taught through Thrive Nutrition can transform your health.

You can become the healthiest version of you! Be coached for one year and if you are not completely satisfied, Thrive Nutrition offers a full 100% money back guarantee.