My Story and Passion
Hi, my name is Kim. I live in Iowa with my husband and five kids. I have a bachelor’s in biology and a masters in science education, both from the university of Iowa. Currently, I am proud to be called a homemaker and take my job seriously. I homeschool our school age kids including our special needs daughter. My days are not empty and our life is anything but boring. Between shopping, teaching, doctors visits, hospital visits, cooking, cleaning, kissing scrapes, wiping noses and sneaking in a hug and a kiss or two with my husband I often find it hard to find time to think. That is exactly why I do this. Over the years I tried various diets to some extent or the other. There was always something that didn’t fit into how I believe God created us to live. Should we really never enjoy breads? Bread a staple in most cultures including the United States. Is fat really as evil as modern culture makes it out to be? I am also convinced that even sugar is better for you than the chemical substitutes we have created to stay “healthy.” Realizing that an all-or-nothing type approach wasn’t going to work lead me to Precision Nutrition. Precision Nutrition focuses on the science behind the food we eat and the psychology behind why we eat it. Their program works to instill habits that support a healthy lifestyle in the middle of reality. It is much more than a list of do’s and don’ts, eat this and not this. Life is real and I am going to enjoy some cake and ice cream during our frequent birthday celebrations, or a fun meal out on a date with my hubby. The habits learned through Precision Nutrition allow me to do this without massive regret, giving up, or losing the last six months of progress toward my health and fitness goals. This was exactly what I was looking for. Now I am certified to share what I have learned with you and help coach you to a healthier, more active, better feeling, less regretful you. I hope you will give me that chance!