Let Them Help

Most moms I know are overwhelmed…noses to wipe, food to buy and cook, floors that constantly have dirt/popcorn/toys tracked across them, more work than time, flower beds full of dandelions and that child who always pops up asking you to play with them at the exact moment you have no Read more…

Just ONE Thing

It’s FRIDAY! We made it through another week, faced our battles, overcame our obstacles…now it’s time to slow down a bit and relax. Sleep a little later. Maybe veg out and watch a little TV. And likely let a few extra treats sneak into our meals. There’s nothing wrong with Read more…

20 Minutes To Health?

Spring has FINALLY arrived up here in Iowa and the world is waking up…along with dandelions, crab grass and lots of other weedy plants. Thankfully, there are also tulips, irises, rhubarb and asparagus! The trick is to keep the stuff we don’t want away from the stuff we do want. Read more…