‘I Want To Be That Mom’ was one of the most read/shared posts on my site this year…it hit a nerve! What mom hasn’t wrestled with desperately wanting to fully enjoy time with her family at the pool, on a bike ride, at an amusement park or playground….but also had thoughts of not wanting to wear a bathing suit in public or not being in shape enough to keep up with her kids? 

I had a ‘That Mom’ moment recently. When I went to pick up my daughter from a birthday party I was given the chance to use the family’s tree swing. It’s a 30+ foot rope with a harness that swings high enough to hit the branches of nearby trees….it looked like SO MUCH fun! And you want to know what my first thought was? ‘I’m going to wear a harness. I know those fit really tight and I don’t want my legs/butt to look huge in it.’ Ugh. THAT sucks the fun right out of it! I chose to go for it. I realized that, while I’m by no means perfect, I DO try to take care of my body so that it’s healthy enough to enjoy life and do the jobs I’m given. And you know what? It was a blast and my kids loved watching the video of mom swinging through the trees!

What’s your so that? ‘I want to be healthy so that…..’ So that you can play with your kids? Get down on the floor with your grandkids? Go traveling with your husband? Do your own yard work? Try that race you’ve always wanted to try? Go on that family vacation you’ve always dreamed of? Make memories with the people you love? What’s your so that?

You CAN be a healthier version of you. It isn’t done over night and there are no magic pills or special foods you just haven’t discovered yet. It’s done 1 choice at a time, 1 day at a time. And it’s far more likely to be successful if you surround yourself with a community who will encourage you. The Thrive community would LOVE to be a part of that! We have a private FB group that you’re welcome to join for free to share ideas, ask questions, be challenged and receive encouragement. I also have 2-3 spots in my private 1-on-1 nutrition coaching opening Aug 22nd (we’ll start on Sep. 1st!)….contact me at kim@thrivenutrition.life for more info! 


Hi, my name is Kim. I live in Iowa with my husband and five kids. I have a bachelor’s in biology and a masters in science education, both from the university of Iowa. Currently, I am proud to be called a homemaker and take my job seriously. I homeschool our school age kids including our special needs daughter. My days are not empty and our life is anything but boring.