They’re everywhere, inexpensive and delicious. And they can help feed (and cool off) a house full of kids! I probably don’t need to convince you to try this summer treat, but you might not know how good they are for us. They contain:

  • Vitamin A: keeps skin clear and healthy, prevents disease and boosts immunity and bone health
  • Vitamin B6: helps maintain a healthy metabolism, improves nerve and liver function, contributes to skin and eye health and boosts energy levels
  • Vitamin C: protects against immune system deficiencies, cardiovascular disease, prenatal health problems, eye disease and skin wrinkling
  • Lycopene: a phytonutrient (plant nutrient) linked to heart and bone health, prostate cancer prevention and decreased inflammation. The redder the fruit, the more lycopene is present.
  • Antioxidants: help prevent cell damage and cancer
  • Fiber and water: watermelon is about 92% water by weight and contains fiber…both will help keep bowel movements regular

And the best part? No cooking necessary! Big ones can be a bit tricky to cut without a huge mess, but here’s a method we’ve tried that worked amazingly well and prevented the ‘juice all over the counter’ thing.



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Hi, my name is Kim. I live in Iowa with my husband and five kids. I have a bachelor’s in biology and a masters in science education, both from the university of Iowa. Currently, I am proud to be called a homemaker and take my job seriously. I homeschool our school age kids including our special needs daughter. My days are not empty and our life is anything but boring.