If so, rest assured you are in good company! Our schedules are a mix of slower mornings and trying to cram in all those projects that won’t fit into a week day. Plus, we just want to relax and a big bowl of chips or ice cream can be calming. No judgement, I hear the call too!

My 1-on-1 ladies probably get tired of my Friday posts asking them, ‘What 1 choice are you making today to set yourself up for success over the weekend?’ but I keep asking because that ONE choice can be so effective. No one is giving up their favorite foods, but a smidge of prep work on Friday means that they can greet Monday morning with energy instead of a stomach ache!

Your 1 choice might be different every week, but some common options are:

  • Go grocery shopping so there’s something healthy actually IN the house!
  • Make a big enough salad or batch of roasted veggies to eat off of all weekend. Cook once, eat 4-5x.
  • Figure out what you’re bringing to that picnic, Sunday dinner or party. Last minute choices tend to mean relying on old habits, but with a little thought you’ll remember watermelon, grilled meat/veggies and fruit salad are all easy/tasty options.
  • Choosing a treat we’re really looking forward to instead of just mindlessly eating bits of everything. A glass of wine or dessert with our families won’t derail our whole week…but 3 bottles of wine and a gallon of ice cream over the weekend won’t do us any favors.
  • Setting aside time to go for a walk each morning… and get it on the calendar! We get done what we make a priority.
  • Making it a priority to get to bed at a reasonable time. Sometimes it’s hard to turn the light out when the house is finally quiet and we get to just relax, but too little sleep sets us up to have cravings (hello, hormones!).

So…..what 1 choice could you make today to set yourself up for success this weekend? Your turn! 🙂


Hi, my name is Kim. I live in Iowa with my husband and five kids. I have a bachelor’s in biology and a masters in science education, both from the university of Iowa. Currently, I am proud to be called a homemaker and take my job seriously. I homeschool our school age kids including our special needs daughter. My days are not empty and our life is anything but boring.