It’s not a new topic, but it’s one that seems to creep up fairly frequently. Some healthy choices are simple and low-cost: swapping brown rice in for white or drinking more water. Others require quite a bit more investment in time or money: joining a gym or CSA (community supported agriculture). We might receive push back from family members, but more often the push back comes from within. It can look like guilt because we feel like we’re taking time or money away from our family or doubt because we don’t believe we’re able or worthy to reach the goals we dream of. Despite the fact that this hesitation feels like a stumbling block, it can start the conversation to sort out our priorities so we can make an informed decision. Is it really selfish to spend time, money and energy to be a healthier version of ourselves?

Obviously, I can’t answer this question for anyone but myself, but I can offer some ideas to think through as you work through this for yourself.

  • If we’re totally honest with ourselves, how does our health affect our daily lives? Does our weight/blood pressure/mental health/joint mobility/etc change how we interact with our families or co-workers? If so, how?
  • How are our choices affecting those around us? Do we influence the people around us for their improvement or harm?
  • How much time or money do I really have control over each day? Not the knee-jerk reaction, but the REAL answer. For example, after we figure in work, childcare, paying bills, chores and cooking, how much time we do have left over? If we have time for Facebook, TV, reading, playing on our phones or other hobbies then we DO have flexible time in our day. And money may be tight, but if we stop for coffee, go out to movies, buy ‘just because’ stuff for our kids or buy processed food/eat out…you guessed it…we have flexible money. Facebook and coffee aren’t bad, they just point out that we DO have options.:)
  • Do we have energy to get through our days or are we sputtering out about 2pm (or earlier)? Is our lack of self care negatively impacting our lives and those around us?
  • This stage of life might be overwhelming, but it will eventually change. What do we hope to do in the next 10, 20, or 30 years? What do we want to do when our kids are older? When they leave home? When we retire? Are the choices we’re making today making those dreams possible?


Hi, my name is Kim. I live in Iowa with my husband and five kids. I have a bachelor’s in biology and a masters in science education, both from the university of Iowa. Currently, I am proud to be called a homemaker and take my job seriously. I homeschool our school age kids including our special needs daughter. My days are not empty and our life is anything but boring.