It’s FRIDAY! We made it through another week, faced our battles, overcame our obstacles…now it’s time to slow down a bit and relax. Sleep a little later. Maybe veg out and watch a little TV. And likely let a few extra treats sneak into our meals. There’s nothing wrong with slowing down, but for many of us those few extra treats have turned into weekends of free-for-all eating. You know the routine: salads all week, pizza and ice cream all weekend. If you fall into this camp please know you are NOT alone. It’s incredibly common for women to write me saying they ‘fell off the wagon’ or ‘fell face first into wine and chips and didn’t resurface until Monday.’
This can be a hard habit to break because we’ve practiced it for so long. Thankfully, there’s a really simple way to start unraveling this habit: pick just ONE thing to do on Friday to set yourself up for success over the weekend. For most of my group that looks like making a huge salad or several pans of roasted veggies so they have easy leftovers to eat off of for the weekend. Others like to make a batch of soup or simply go grocery shopping so they have healthy choices on hand.
As this weekend approaches, what ONE choice could you make today that would make healthy choices easier this weekend? Good…now go do it! 🙂