Quick! It’s 5:30, your day exploded unexpectedly, your brain stopped working 2 hours ago and your family is wondering where dinner is. What do you turn to?

This is exactly what happened to several of my clients (and me) a few weeks ago and we admitted these are the nights we’re tempted to turn to frozen pizza and drive-thru food. Our goal was to come up with a back-up plan to avoid making desperate choices that didn’t really nourish us or our families…and the Emergency Meal Plan was born!

I’m attaching a compiled list of ideas from my house, my clients and ladies at my local gym (https://www.facebook.com/MVMoveFit/). Print this page out and pop it in your recipe book for instant ideas to get dinner on the table in 15m or less!



Hi, my name is Kim. I live in Iowa with my husband and five kids. I have a bachelor’s in biology and a masters in science education, both from the university of Iowa. Currently, I am proud to be called a homemaker and take my job seriously. I homeschool our school age kids including our special needs daughter. My days are not empty and our life is anything but boring.