Putting it all together

  • Everyone gets off track (even health professionals).
  • Attacking the cause usually involves a little planning.
  • We focus on food and activity, but this battle is mental!
  • We have LOTS of practical ways to take 1 step towards our goals again.

Our wrap up today focuses on 2 truths that will work for pretty much any goal…nutritional, fitness, career or relationship.

  1. Life is a continuum of choices. For those of us who tend to see life as ‘black or white’ (guilty!) we’re either doing AWESOME! or we’re failing. No in between. In reality there are a million choices in between. In any situation we can ask ourselves, ‘What’s the WORST choice I could make here?’ and ‘What’s the BEST choice I could make here?’ We don’t have to make either of those, but we CAN choose something in between.
  2. Motivation follows action. In a recent conversation with over a hundred fitness coaches it was ridiculous how many of them admitted they NEVER want to work out. EVER. But they love the benefits so they make themselves start and motivation follows. The same is true for nutrition (and parenting, business assignments, household chores, etc)…you don’t have to feel it to do it. Just get started. Get some momentum going and we’ll be just fine.

And that’s it! You have the tools to get back on track when you hit a bump…what will you do with them?


Hi, my name is Kim. I live in Iowa with my husband and five kids. I have a bachelor’s in biology and a masters in science education, both from the university of Iowa. Currently, I am proud to be called a homemaker and take my job seriously. I homeschool our school age kids including our special needs daughter. My days are not empty and our life is anything but boring.